Developer, Designer & Security Analyst

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Silly Personal Projects

Highlighted Projects

Nysgjerrigper Prosjektveilederen

Worked with three other students on developing a secure, progressive web application on behalf of the Norwegian Research Council. The tool is currently under further development and will be used by lower secondary schools in Norway to teach children the process of the scientific method in STEM fields.

The frontend was built on a React.js framework and communicated with a Spring framework utilizing a PostgreSQL database. The entire application is hosted and deployed using Amazon cloud computing services.

Additional technical information available in Norwegian at the Project URL.

Visualizing EV Infrastructure Data Dashboard

Worked in with 11 Dutch energy providers to create a dashboard GUI displaying data from all EV charging stations in the Netherlands. The solution is currently in use by Amsterdam City Council to plan and build new charging stations throughout the municipality.

Project team consisted of two international students and three Dutch students. Product was displayed in an RShiny web client, communicating with a C# application in the backend using a REST API. Data was stored in a Microsoft SQL Server-driven data warehouse hosted by Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

NLP Machine Learning Model for Sentiment Analysis

Natural language processing model that can be used for sentiment analysis. Can predict if a new sentence is positively or negatively skewed with an accuracy of between 89% - 97%.

Model built using Keras and Apache Spark clustering using the R programming language.